Understanding How Compensation is  Awarded For Car Accident Injuries

Written by: Michael Wade, March 8, 2022

What are the most common types of car accident injuries? Nobody expects their trip to end in an accident when they enter their vehicle, but that is the unfortunate end result for some drivers. When you are injured in a car accident, you should know you are entitled to compensation no matter how serious or minimal the injuries. This article will help you understand the types of injuries that are eligible for compensation and how much compensation you can expect for each injury.

Car accident injuries can be divided into two categories: bodily injury and property damage.

Car accident compensation for bodily injuries A bodily injury is anything that is caused by an injury to your body. This includes any broken bones, internal bleeding, etc. There are two ways to acquire a bodily injury. One way is to be the direct cause of the accident, while the other way is from being injured by someone else.

Car Accident Compensation for Property Damage Property damage is any damage that is caused by the accident itself. This can include damage to the vehicle or property, but not as extensive as bodily injury.

How much are you eligible for if you are injured in a car accident?

What are the requirements to be eligible for car accident compensation?

Put simply, the primary factor affecting you eligibility for compensation after an accident is how fault is determined after the car accident. Arizona is a Comparative Fault state meaning more than one person can be deemed responsible for the car accident, but that does not mean both people are equally at fault.

How much car accident compensation can I expect?

Calculating the amount of car accident compensation you will receive is always tricky.

There are many factors to consider like the severity of your injuries, the damage that was done to your property, and also what type of insurance the other driver had (if any).

Calculating the damage done to your vehicle after an accident is typically pretty straightforward and based on the value of your car.

When it comes to physical injuries, the severity of the injuries will determine how many things were covered in the accident. Only the following are eligible for payment:

  • Material damages
  • Medical expenses
  • Dental and vision expenses
  • General damages
  • Damage to your vehicle

There are injuries that can result in long-term conditions, and some injuries will never require medical treatment. As Arizona car accident lawyers, we have seen firsthand the damages that can be done by car accidents. We recommend contacting a local car accident lawyer to discuss your case.

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