Fatal Accident Chandler Arizona

Fatal Accident Chandler Arizona July 2023

Accident attorneys in Arizona, Wade and Nysather, recently learned about a deadly accident that occurred early on Tuesday morning in Chandler, Arizona, involving a street sweeper. The event took place early in the morning. Chandler was the location where the accident took place. There has been one person who has lost their life. An accident resulting in fatal injuries occurred on Price Road in Chandler at four in the morning. The location was just to the north of Armstrong Place. The cops say that a parking lot sweeper ran off the roadway and struck a city message board pole when it became disoriented. There were no additional recorded injuries, and the vehicle driver was pronounced deceased at the accident scene. Our sincere condolences go out to anyone whose life has been negatively altered as a result of this disaster. We would like to express our deepest sympathies on behalf of everyone here at Wade and Nysather. The police have not disclosed either the identity of the motorist or the circumstances around what may have caused the crash. Neither of these details has been made public by the police. Over the course of the investigation, the roads in the area were closed to traffic for more than six hours; however, they are now back in operation and open to regular traffic. Graphic with Wade & Nysather phone number-Fatal Accident Chandler

Fatal Accident Chandler Arizona Accident Attorneys

We Represent Individuals Who Have Suffered Injuries as a Result of Automobile Accidents in the State of Arizona. Please give us a call if you or someone you care about has been injured in an accident or if you have any questions regarding what took place. The consultation on legal strategy about your vehicle accident that you will receive from Wade and Nysather is free and comes with no obligations. Now is the time to dial this number: (602) 547-2222. For Further Information, Please Go to Our Website Located at www.A-Z-Accident.com. Wade and Nysather present additional accident news and educational movies related to personal injuries in the state of Arizona on our website and channel on YouTube. These videos are focused on motor vehicle accidents, such as the Fatal Accident in Chandler, Arizona. Graphic of Fatal Chandler Accident Wade & Nysather  


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