One of the most common items of personal property that get damaged in automobile accidents is car seats. Not long ago, I had young children and I can tell you from personal experience that car seats are both important and expensive! There is nothing more important than the safety of our children, but coming up with hundreds of dollars to replace car seats can be a financial burden. The National Highway Transportation Safety Board (the “NHTSB”) has recently recommended that child safety seats and boosters be replaced following a moderate or severe crash in order to ensure a continued high level of crash protection for child passengers. However, the goal of the insurance company is to pay you as little as possible. Although the initial claims representative that contacts you may be very “nice” and “empathetic”, they are not going to tell you that you have a right to be made whole. The simple truth is that if your car seats are broken in an accident, you have the right to be compensated by the other person’s insurance company. If you have any questions about this, contact our personal injury law firm and an attorney will speak to you personally about your rights. Call 602-547-2222 or Text 480-522-7794