Arizona Dog Bite Attorney

Arizona Dog Bite Attorney

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a dog attack, you have the right to seek redress and financial compensation. If you or someone you love has been bitten by a dog in Scottsdale, Arizona, contact the Wade & Nysather Law Firm.

Graphic Stating Dog Bite Attorney Wade & Nysather
Personal injury lawyer for dog bites in Arizona

Why choose us? We are ready to go to trial on your behalf and provide complete, individualized legal services. Our lawyers have extensive experience with dog bite cases and will fight aggressively on your behalf. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t owe us anything until we win your case, and we don’t charge anything up front for dog bite injury claims.

Issues Involving Liability-  Arizona Dog Bite Attorney

Under Arizona law, the owner of a dog that bites someone in a public place or on private property is liable for damages suffered by the person bitten. This means that if you’ve been injured in a dog attack, the owner may be held responsible for your medical expenses, missed time from work, and other damages.

Don’t hesitate to seek legal help if you’ve been injured in a dog attack. Contact The Wade & Nysather Law Firm for a free consultation and let us help you get the justice you deserve. Our attorneys serve Scottsdale and the surrounding areas and are ready to take on your case.

Graphic Stating Pet Owner May Be Liable If Not Shown To Be Negligent
Canine bite lawyer Arizona,

A pet owner might be held accountable for damage caused by their animal even if they were not negligent. In order to collect damages from the dog’s owner, it is not necessary to show that they were negligent. If you were injured by a dog while in a public location or with the owner’s permission in a private area, the owner is responsible for your medical bills and other related costs.

Under Arizona law, strict liability applies to dog bite cases. This means that the owner of a dog is strictly liable for any injuries or damages caused by the dog, regardless of whether the owner was negligent or aware of the dog’s aggressive tendencies. In other words, the dog bite victim does not have to prove that the owner was negligent in recovering damages. It is sufficient to prove that the dog caused the injury and that the owner was the dog’s owner at the time of the injury.

There are some exceptions to strict liability in Arizona dog bite cases. For example, the owner may not be liable if the victim was trespassing on the owner’s property at the time of the bite or if the victim was teasing, tormenting, or abusing the dog. However, these exceptions are narrow and are generally not applied unless there is clear evidence that the victim was significantly at fault.

What To Do If You Are The Victim of a Dog Bite

The state of Arizona has a very plaintiff-friendly strict liability law. In contrast, several other states only allow one bite. A dog bite victim in a “one bite” state must prove the pet owner was negligent in order to receive compensation for their injuries. The burden of proof rests with the plaintiff, who must show that the defendant knew the dog was dangerous and did nothing to stop it from attacking. In Arizona, though, you won’t need to show that anyone was at fault in order to get paid.

In Arizona, exotic animal owners are strictly liable for any injuries or damage caused by their animals. Suppose you’re bitten or attacked by an exotic animal in Arizona. In that case, the owner is automatically responsible for your injuries, regardless of whether they were negligent or aware of the animal’s aggressive tendencies. This is the same as a dog bite.

Exotic animals are defined as any animal that is not native to Arizona, such as lions, tigers, bears, and certain species of reptiles. They can also include animals that are considered “dangerous” or “wild” under state law, such as wolves, monkeys, and certain types of birds.

If you’ve been bitten or attacked by an exotic animal in Arizona, you have the right to seek compensation for your damages. This can include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other costs you’ve incurred as a result of the attack. To maximize your chances of success, working with an experienced personal injury attorney who has experience handling exotic animal bite cases in Arizona is a good idea.

At The Wade & Nysather Law Firm, we have a team of dedicated attorneys who know how to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. We’ll work with you to gather all the necessary evidence and build a strong claim. We’ll negotiate with the exotic animal owner and their attorneys or insurance company to get a fair settlement. If necessary, we’ll take your case to court and fight for your rights before a judge. We always strive for maximum financial compensation on behalf of our clients.

If you’ve been bitten or attacked by an exotic animal in Arizona, don’t wait to seek legal help. The sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can start working on your case. We offer free consultations to all our clients, so there’s no risk in reaching out to learn more about your legal options. Contact The Wade & Nysather Law Firm today and let us help you get the justice you deserve.

Graphic stating Is Arizona A Pit_Bull Friendly State
Arizona animal attack attorney,

Is Arizona Law A Pit Bull-Friendly State

Arizona is generally considered to be a “breed-neutral” state when it comes to pit bulls and other dog breeds. This means that pit bulls are not automatically regarded as dangerous or aggressive under state law, and owners of pit bulls are not automatically held to a higher standard of liability.

However, this does not mean that pit bulls are completely free from scrutiny in Arizona. The owner can be held liable under the state’s strict liability laws if a pit bull or any other dog breed causes injury or damage. This means that the owner is responsible for any injuries or damages caused by the dog, regardless of whether they were negligent or aware of the dog’s aggressive tendencies.

In addition, local ordinances in certain cities and counties in Arizona may place additional restrictions or requirements on pit bulls and other breeds. For example, some areas may have breed-specific bans or mandatory spay/neuter requirements for pit bulls. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the laws in your specific area of residence if you own a pit bull or any other breed of dog.

What to Do After a Dog Bite Injury in Arizona?

If a dog in Arizona has bitten you, it’s essential to take immediate action to protect your rights and seek compensation for your damages. Here are some steps you should take:

  • Seek medical treatment: Getting proper medical treatment for your wounds is crucial as soon as possible. This will not only help you heal but also provide documentation of your injuries and the treatment you received. Make sure to ask for copies of your medical bills and records, as you may need them later when pursuing a claim.
  • Gather evidence: In order to establish the pet owner’s liability for your damages, you’ll need to collect as much evidence as possible. This can include photos of the dog, the location of the attack, and your bite marks. Write down the owner’s name, contact information, and other details about the incident. If there were any witnesses to the attack, make sure to get their names and contact information as well.
  • Report the bite: It’s essential to report the dog bite to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. This can include your municipal health department and the Maricopa County animal control center. These agencies can investigate and record the incident, and they may also be able to quarantine the animal to check for diseases like rabies.
  • Consider your legal options: If a dog in Arizona has bitten you, you have the right to seek compensation for your damages. This can include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages you’ve incurred as a result of the attack. To maximize your chances of success, working with an experienced dog bite accident attorney who can help you build a strong claim and negotiate with the pet owner or their insurance company is a good idea.

At The Wade & Nysather Law Firm, we have a team of dedicated attorneys who have years of experience handling dog bite cases in Arizona. We know how to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. We’ll work with you to gather all the necessary evidence and build a strong claim, and we’ll negotiate with the pet owner or their insurance company to get you a fair settlement. We’ll take your case to court and fight for your rights before a judge if necessary. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help – we’re here to guide you through the process and ensure you get the justice you deserve.

Graphic Stating No-cost No-Obligation Dog Bite Legal Strategy Session Dog Bite Attorney
Dog bite lawyer Arizona,

Seek Immediate Legal Representation If You Have Suffered a Dog Bite

If a dog in Arizona has bitten you, you must act quickly to protect your rights and seek compensation for your damages. You may be able to get money for your medical bills, lost pay, pain, and suffering if you file a successful personal injury claim after the attack. Your case’s financial value may be affected by a number of circumstances, including the extent of your injuries.

Don’t wait to contact us – the sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can start working on your case. We offer free consultations to all our clients, so there’s no risk in reaching out to learn more about your legal options. Contact The Wade & Nysather Law Firm today and let us help you get the justice you deserve.

Chat with us Live today for more information. Call or Text 602 547 2222
Graphic stating Frequently Asked Questions Dog Bite Attorney
Dog injury attorney Arizona,

Answers to Common Questions About Dog Bite Lawsuits

Question 1: Can I file a dog bite lawsuit if the incident occurred on someone else’s property?

Answer: Yes, you can file a dog bite lawsuit even if the incident occurred on someone else’s property. In dog bite cases, the owner of the dog is generally held responsible for the actions of their pet, regardless of where the incident took place. If you have been bitten by a dog on someone else’s property, it is important to consult with an experienced dog bite attorney at Wade & Nysather to discuss the specific circumstances of your case.

Question 2: Are there any specific laws or regulations in my state regarding dog bites?

Answer: Yes, each state has its own laws and regulations regarding dog bites. In Arizona, for example, dog owners are strictly liable for injuries caused by their dogs, regardless of whether the owner knew about the dog’s propensity to bite. It is crucial to consult with a knowledgeable attorney at Wade & Nysather who can guide you through the specific laws and regulations applicable to your dog bite case.

Question 3: How long does it typically take to resolve a dog bite lawsuit?

Answer: The length of time it takes to resolve a dog bite lawsuit varies depending on the case’s specific circumstances. Some cases may be settled through negotiations, while others may require litigation and trial. Factors such as the severity of the injuries, the complexity of the case, and the willingness of the parties to negotiate can all impact the timeline. Rest assured, the dedicated dog bite attorneys at Wade & Nysather will work diligently to pursue a timely resolution while seeking fair compensation for your injuries.

Question 4: What if the dog owner is a family member or friend? Can I still pursue legal action?

Answer: Yes, you can pursue legal action even if the dog owner is a family member or friend. It is important to understand that a dog bite lawsuit is typically filed against the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy rather than directly against the individual. The purpose of the lawsuit is to seek compensation for your injuries and damages. Rest assured that at Wade & Nysather, we handle dog bite cases with sensitivity and professionalism, understanding the delicate nature of relationships involved.

Question 5: Is it necessary to prove that the dog has a history of aggression or previous biting incidents?

Answer: In Arizona, it is not necessary to prove that the dog has a history of aggression or previous biting incidents to hold the dog owner liable for a dog bite. Arizona follows a strict liability rule, which means that the owner is responsible for injuries caused by their dog, regardless of the dog’s past behavior. However, proving the dog’s previous aggression can strengthen your case and potentially increase the compensation you may be entitled to. Our experienced dog bite attorneys will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the incident to gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.

Question 6: Can I seek compensation for emotional trauma or psychological effects resulting from a dog bite?

Answer: Yes, you may be able to seek compensation for emotional trauma or psychological effects resulting from a dog bite. Dog bite injuries can significantly impact a person’s mental well-being, leading to anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other psychological issues. Seeking appropriate medical and therapeutic care is crucial, and our skilled attorneys at Wade & Nysather will work to ensure that all your damages, including emotional trauma, are considered in your claim for compensation.

Question 7: What steps should I take to document and gather evidence after a dog bite?

Answer: After a dog bite incident, it is important to take several steps to document and gather evidence. These steps include:

  1. Seek immediate medical attention for your injuries.
  2. Take photographs of your injuries, the location of the incident, and any visible signs of negligence or dangerous conditions.
  3. Gather contact information from the dog owner and any witnesses present at the time of the incident.
  4. Preserve any physical evidence, such as torn clothing or damaged property.
  5. Keep a record of all medical treatments, expenses, and any emotional distress or psychological effects you experience as a result of the dog bite.
  6. Consult with an experienced dog bite attorney at Wade & Nysather, who can guide you through the legal process and help gather additional evidence to strengthen your case.

Question 8: Can I still file a lawsuit if I signed a liability waiver before the incident occurred?

Answer: Signing a liability waiver does not necessarily prevent you from filing a lawsuit after a dog bite incident. While liability waivers may limit certain claims, they do not absolve the dog owner from responsibility if their negligence or actions contributed to the dog bite. The enforceability of liability waivers can vary depending on the specific circumstances and state laws. It is essential to consult with a skilled dog bite attorney at Wade & Nysather to assess the validity of the waiver and explore your legal options.

Question 9: How does comparative negligence apply to dog bite cases?

Answer: Comparative negligence is a legal principle that may apply to dog bite cases. In some situations, the injured person’s own actions or negligence may contribute to the incident. Arizona follows a comparative negligence rule, which means that the amount of compensation you may receive can be reduced if you are found partially at fault for the dog bite. Consulting with a knowledgeable dog bite attorney at Wade & Nysather is crucial in determining how comparative negligence may impact your case.

Question 10: Are there any exceptions to the dog bite laws if the incident occurred while the dog was working (e.g., service dogs, police dogs)?

Answer: There are certain exceptions to dog bite laws if the incident occurred while the dog was working in specific capacities, such as service dogs or police dogs. These working dogs may have different legal protections depending on the circumstances. If a working dog has bitten you, it is important to consult with an experienced dog bite attorney at Wade & Nysather, who can assess the specific circumstances and determine the applicable laws and regulations governing such incidents. We will ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

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Remember, at Wade & Nysather. We offer a No-Cost No-Obligation Dog Bite Legal Strategy Session. If you or a loved one has been involved in a dog bite incident, call us today at 602-547-2222 to schedule your consultation and learn about your rights and options.


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